Supporting the
Irish Veterinary Community

Independent, confidential
and free help for the
veterinary community

including vets, veterinary nurses
(whether practising or not)
and their dependents.

Independent, confidential and free help for the veterinary community

including vets, veterinary nurses (whether practising or not) and their dependents.

How do we help?

Whatever life throws at you, we will support you.
The free Vetlife helpline is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

CALL NOW FOR FREE 1800 145 145
and you will be automatically directed through to Vetlife

Vetlife also provides an email support service which uses anonymising software to ensure emails received by them cannot identify the source.

Signs you may
not be coping

Depressive symptoms
Suicidal thoughts
Suicide risk

Call Vetlife
1800 145 145

Signs you may not be coping

Depressive symptoms
Suicidal thoughts
Suicide risk
Call VetLife
1800 145 145

Donate Today

Additional funding is vital for the IVBF to continue supporting all those in the veterinary community in need of assistance through our services.

Some of our Supporters